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Introduction of Units

Department of Student Affairs is responsible for moral education, character development, psychological counseling, physical education, foot drill training, and extracurricular activities. It consists of the Guidance(student assistance) Section, Physical Training Section, Extracurricular Activities Section, and Psychological Health Center.

【Guidance(student assistance) Section】
Responsible for moral education, character development, counseling services, Student honor and disciplinary related affairs, Student appeal related affairs, gender equality affairs, Ceremonies and monthly meetings, Edit and print of the bimonthly police university magazine, and student scholarships.
Phone: +886-3-3282321 ext. 4147
Email: student1@mail.cpu.edu.tw

【Physical Training Section】
Responsible for Physical education(judo, shuaiJiao and sport)、Tactics and use of force、Weapon training, foot drill training, and military service administration.
Phone: +886-3-3282321 ext. 4149
Email: student2@mail.cpu.edu.tw

【Extracurricular Activities Section】
Responsible for guiding and assessing student clubs (including the Student Club Association and student clubs, and student associations), organizing extracurricular activities.
Phone: +886-3-3282321 ext. 4202
Email: student3@mail.cpu.edu.tw

【Psychological Health Center】
Staffed by one director (part-time) and two full-time psychologists, it is responsible for individual counseling, physical and mental health surveys, and promoting campus mental health.
Phone: +886-3-3282321 ext. 4579, 4580
Email: heart@mail.cpu.edu.tw
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